pall,颇尔,用于微生物分析的安瓿瓶装培养基,68105, 4302, 68106, 68111, 4307, 68108, 4306, 68107, 68109, 4352, 68100, 68101, 68102, 4313

68105, 4302, 68106, 68111, 4307, 68108, 4306, 68107, 68109, 4352, 68100, 68101, 68102, 4313


pall,颇尔,用于微生物分析的安瓿瓶装培养基,68105, 4302, 68106, 68111, 4307, 68108, 4306, 68107, 68109, 4352, 68100, 68101, 68102, 4313


Sterile Ampoule Media Pre-Measured for
Maximum Efficiency and Convenience

  • Meets Membrane Filter (MF) Technique Standard Method requirements with 2 mL ampoules*
  • Maximizes efficiency with premixed and presterilized media
  • Choose between plastic or glass ampoules for your applications
  • Simplify pouring of the media with wide-mouth glass ampoules
  • All plastic ampoule media is economically packaged with 50 ampoules per box


*Requirements referenced in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, current edition.
颇尔 Life Sciences ampoule media is available in a variety of selective, nutrient broths for use in municipal water, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, and microelectronics industries.
  • Municipal Wastewater and Drinking Water:MF-Endo and M-FC (with and without rosolic acid) media are used when analyzing water samples for Total Coliforms, Fecal Coliforms, and E. coli.  
  • 食品与饮料:M-TGE, HPC, M-Green YM, and Orange Serum broths are used in the food and beverage industry to QC final products (and fluids used in the manufacture of these products) to detect potential spoilage organisms.
  • Pharmaceutical and Microelectronics:Trypticase Soy Broth, M-TGE, and HPC may be used to test final products and process waters for total bacteria in the pharmaceutical and microelectronics industries.
  • General:Pseudomonas and KF-Streptococcal broths are highly selective media for organisms in these genera, and are used to monitor samples wherever contamination by these organisms must be prevented.

Ampoule Media for Microbiological Analysis; MF-Endo Broth, E. coli

MF-Endo Broth, E. coli
24 hr. culture @ 35 °C (95 °F)


Ampoule Media for Microbiological Analysis; Pseudomonas Broth, P. aerufinosa

Pseudomonas Broth, P. aeruginosa
48 hr. culture @ 35 °C (95 °F)


Ampoule Media for Microbiological Analysis; M-TGE Broth, S. epidermidis

M-TGE Broth, S. epidermidis
24 hr. culture @ 35 °C (95 °F)


Ampoule Media for Microbiological Analysis; M-FC Broth, E. coli

M-FC Broth, E. coli
24 hr. culture @ 45.5 °C (112 °F)
液体培养基 Target
pH at
25 °
保存期限(2 - 8 °C) 培养基颜色 目标菌落颜色
MF-Endo  总大肠菌群  > 85%  E.coli 7.2 + 0.2  1 年  桃红 dark red with
metallic sheen
M-FC 粪大肠菌群  > 85%  E.coli 7.4 + 0.2  1 年  蓝色 蓝色
M-FC with
Rosolic acid1
粪大肠菌群  > 85%  E.coli 7.4 + 0.2  1 年  violet 蓝色
M-TGE with
TTC indicator 
细菌总数 > 85% E.coli 7.0 + 0.2  1 年  淡黄色  红色 
胰酶解酪蛋白豆 USP  细菌总数  > 85% E.coli;
S. epidermidis
7.3 + 0.2  1 年 淡黄色 organism
KF-链球菌  粪链球菌 > 85%  粪链球菌 7.2 + 0.2  1 年  浅紫色 红色
假单胞菌 假单胞菌 > 85%  绿脓杆菌 7.1 + 0.2  1 年  淡琥珀色 蓝绿色
橙血清  Lactobacillus, Acid > 85% L. plantarum;
5.6 + 0.2  1 年  深琥珀色 organism
 HPC with TTC Indicator 细菌总数  > 85%  E.coli;
S. epidermidis
 7.1 + 0.2 1 年 淡黄色 红色
M-TGE 细菌总数  > 85%  E.coli;
S. epidermidis
7.0 + 0.2  2-25˚C storage during 1 year shelf life 淡黄色 organism
M-Green YM  酵母菌和霉菌  > 85%  酿酒酵母 4.6 + 0.2  2-25˚C storage during 1 year shelf life 绿色 浅绿色

1 Rosolic acid is a selective agent that helps increase the specificity of the medium for Fecal Coliforms.
Part Number 描述 Pkg Price Qty
Microbiological Media, 2 mL Plastic Ampoules
68105 MF-Endo Broth, Total Coliforms 50/pkg Call
4302 M-FC Broth with Rosolic Acid, Fecal Coliforms 50/pkg Call
68106 M-TGE Broth, Total Bacteria 50/pkg Call
68111 M-TGE with TTC Indicator, Total Bacteria 50/pkg Call
4307 Trypticase Soy Broth - USP, Total Bacteria 50/pkg Call
68108 KF-Streptococcal Broth, Fecal Streptococcus 50/pkg Call
4306 Pseudomonas Broth, Pseudomonas sp. 50/pkg Call
68107 M-Green YM Broth, yeast and mold 50/pkg Call
68109 Orange Serum Broth, Lactobacillus sp. 50/pkg Call
4352 HPC Media with TTC Indicator, Total Bacteria 50/pkg Call
Microbiological Media, 2 mL Wide-mouth Glass Ampoules
68100 M-FC Broth, Fecal Coliforms 20/pkg Call
68101 M-FC Broth with Rosolic Acid, Fecal Coliforms 20/pkg Call
68102 MF-Endo Broth, Total Coliforms 20/pkg Call
Microbiological Media, 100 mL Bottle
4313 MF-Endo Broth, Total Coliforms, Bottle 1/pkg Call


上一条pall,颇尔,Acro 50 通气滤器,4251, 4250, 4400, 4401, 4256, 4258, 4003
下一条pall,颇尔,Analyslide 培养皿,7231

